Looking for a Dance Community that focuses on fun, inclusivity, community spirit and oozes positivity? Then join the MOUVEment today!

Ladies Fitness your way!
OUR Programmes
Dancing improves your cardiovascular state which has so many benefits for your health.
Weekly Nutrition Tips and Guidance shared in our newsletters and social media
Dancing is a great way to tone up your muscles, increase flexibility and strengthen your body
Experienced and fun class teachers who actively engage you in the class.
Ready to take your fitness to the next level?
Get in touch today and let us guide you to the most suitable adult dance class for you.
Feedback from our clients
I just had such a great work out! Thanks!! I have been trying to think of what it is, that makes you such a great instructor, I have been to loads of different classes with different Zumba teachers.....and I worked out what it is tonight. You genuinely enjoy every minute of it and we can really feel that, and that makes us enjoy it too!
You and your classes are an absolute tonic .. you turned an otherwise grey miserable morning where I didn’t want to get out of bed into a joy.. I can’t thank you enough for always making me feel better
I've been doing your classes for about 7 years now.... From the first lesson your enthusiasm and energy just leapt off the stage and kept me coming back time after time. I just wanted to thank you properly. Keep well and keep on dancing,
Your classes are what brought me out of my depression...
I know I've told you this before Louise, but I cannot stop thanking you for helping me learn to put one foot in front of the other (excuse the pun 🤣).
I barely have time for anything new so your classes are the one thing I can feel I am achieving and can be proud of....over and above keeping my boys alive. Thanks again so looking forward to the next one!
Start your fitness journey today and make the right MOUVE®